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Benefits of Reading for Mental Health in Seniors

A senior male is reading his newspaper in the morning while enjoying a cup of coffee to keep his morning routine.

As adults age, it’s certainly important to stay physically active and continue building muscle for good health. One aspect of a senior’s health they often neglect is their mental health. Fortunately, staying physically active is a great way to improve mental health. Only some people are physically capable of large amounts of activity, though. For […]

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Risk Factors of Undernutrition

Senior woman eating green salad.

Eating Healthy While Aging As many as 50% of older adults are at risk of malnutrition. Multiple factors increase seniors’ risk of eating and diet problems, from social isolation to physical limitations.  Whether seniors live independently, in assisted living, or another lifestyle option, seniors and their caregivers should know the risks. What Is Undernutrition? Malnutrition […]

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How Can Senior Citizens Build Muscle?

Senior man doing exercises under supervision of a trainer in Cypress community.

Aging Strong Aging has many effects on physical health, which can impact a senior’s ability to be independent. Adults lose 3% of their muscle mass yearly after middle age. Decreasing muscle strength can increase the risk of falls and injuries.  Although it’s a natural process, there are ways seniors can build muscle. From enriching activities […]

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