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Low-Impact Cardio Exercises for Seniors

An older adult smiling while stretching outdoors in a park before exercising to improve their cardio health.

Staying active is essential for people of any age! It’s the key to a healthier lifestyle. However, some seniors may find exercising a bit of a challenge. It doesn’t have to be out of reach—through low-impact exercises, your loved one can steadily improve their overall health. Some ideal low-impact cardio exercises for seniors include: The […]

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How to Deal With Negativity in Elderly Parents

An adult child having a discussion with a parent about their negative behavior.

Difficult behavior like negativity in elderly parents is challenging for adult children to navigate. These changes in the later stages of life can be an emotional journey that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later—and with the right approach. Understanding the root causes of negativity and managing it with thoughtful strategies, such as active […]

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Preventive Medicine for Healthy Living in Seniors

An older adult hugging a smiling caregiver on the couch after a health checkup to practice preventive medicine.

Aging gracefully is an art, and it’s often easier to reach than you may think. One of the simplest ways to enjoy a healthy, fulfilling, and vibrant lifestyle is through something called “preventive medicine.” But what is this, exactly? Preventive medicine is an approach to self-care that focuses on being proactive rather than reactive. It […]

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Posture Exercises for Seniors

A senior woman doing seated yoga as a posture exercise to improve her flexibility.

Good posture is essential for everyone, regardless of age. However, for seniors, maintaining good posture can significantly improve their overall health and well-being. Posture exercises are designed to improve balance, reduce back pain, and increase mobility, giving seniors a way to enjoy an active, independent lifestyle through their journey to improved personal growth. 5 posture […]

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