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How to Care for an Elderly Parent Who Can’t Walk

A senior man with short gray hair holding a cane and smiling while sitting on a sofa.

Caring for a senior parent who can’t walk can be extremely challenging. It can be difficult to see our parents struggling, especially when they should be celebrating their lives. Mobility problems and chronic pain can have a significant impact on your parent’s life—but there is good news!  You can support a parent who can’t walk […]

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Tips for Talking to Parents About Senior Living

A senior man and his daughter smiling and talking to each other in a park.

As our parents age, they may require additional care and assistance with daily living. This can be a difficult topic to broach with your loved one, but it’s important to have an honest conversation where you listen to your parents’ concerns about senior living options. Your conversation can also include researching various senior living options, […]

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