Our Team

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Compassionate Care from Passionate Individuals

Parsons House Cypress is more than a community–it’s a family. And at the heart of this family is a group of committed, experienced, and passionate caregivers ready to help make a difference.

We build our team with our community and residents in mind, bringing in top-notch caregivers that help enhance the experience we set out to provide each and every day. From our leadership team all the way to our support staff, each member is ready to help you and your family find the comfort, security, and support you all deserve.

Meet some of our members or book a tour to see what our community has to offer today.

Meet Our Home Office Team


Robert & Alyce Parsons

Founders & President


Cameron Parsons



Mary Catherine McDougall



Monica Reveles

Lead of Team & Culture Support

Meet Our Community Team


Bliss Palmer

Executive Director


Alexis King

Assisted Living Director


Charlotte Hindaoui

Resident Services Director


Stacy Arceneaux

Sales & Marketing Director


Adarius Buckle

Maintenance Director


Jamie Christopher Olivier

Dining Services Director


Jacquelyne Mak

Business Office Manager

Why Choose Us?

Our communities feature a selection of customizable lifestyle options to ensure our residents receive the exact care they need.

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We offer many services and amenities designed to provide superb comfort and exercise for the body, mind, and soul.

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Our staff are as special as our residents. We employ the most qualified, experienced, and caring individuals who undergo ongoing training to better provide for our residents.

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Our Location

Enjoy the moments that matter and join our community in Cypress today. 

You can find our community on N Eldridge Parkway just South of The Springs event venue.

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